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How To Prevent And Eliminate Mice Infestation
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Mice And Rats Prevention And Elimination
There are lots of ways you can do at home to get rid of mice. Some products in the market for eliminating mice are very dangerous and can be the cause of poisoning. Try the safe ways of eliminating mice for your children to be safe. Read on to find out how to do it.

Since houses have lots of food materials they are instant attractions for mice. So what you must do is to keep your home free of food crumbs. Utilize tight-lid containers so that your food is stored in a place where mice cannot get to them. You need to wipe clean the kitchen sink,dining table and counter tops.

Another safe and effective method to prevent mice from staying in your home is the use of dryer sheets. There are scented dryer sheets available in the market which can make your house smell fresh. Place dryer sheets into cracks, holes crevices and other openings. This is better to use instead of baits and moth balls that can cause possible harm and health risks to human or pets.

Electric rat traps will also be a good choice for eliminating rats. A single electric trap will quickly kill rats due to the electric shock it gives. Electric rat traps should be placed in areas where you sight some rats and mice going to and fro.

There are also natural rat poisons. Vitamin D3 is actually poisonous to rats and these are available at local drug stores. A small amount of it will lead mice to suffer heart failure which in few days they will be dead. It only produces this effect in rats only. If you are worrying about your pets then you have no worry with this kind of natural poisonous substances that affects rats only.

Those are the safe and effective ways you must do to prevent mice. Mice and rats are very hazardous to our health so we need to protect our family from them. Make sure to buy the safest products that are available for your use.

So have the best company do these methods for you at pest control San Diego company. We also specialize in killing ants with our San Diego ant control service. So don't wait any longer to kill off pests with our La Jolla pest control.

Posted by joseph1vargas at 5:10 AM EDT
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